Thursday, July 23, 2020

Beautiful morning

So lately, Kanye has been going through a breakdown. A very worrying breakdown. Honsetly, even if your fans are worried about you, you gotta get some help or something. It's pretty sad considering there's bots in the comments of his recent posts SAYING. THIS. EXACT. THING. Overall, I'm just worried and confused in general. Through these breakdowns, he also has decided to drop an album called: DONDA. DONDA is basically Jesus is king but with leaks attached. I just described to you everything that the album is gonna be like anyway. Besides, we already got a new album...

In a sense...

2016 has got to be the most unique year for Kanye. It was the year when Twitter culture, celebrity culture, news culture, and just culture in general where all in one place. Kanye decided "Hey, how about we do a twitter livestream of the album in full?" That's what happened. Crazy people where up to him and Celebrities where up to him and news articles were being made about the stream... ALL IN THE SAME PLACE. 
If you want to see the craziness of the livestream documented:here's OG nick marsh's take on it.

As I described  to you, this was a very interesting time to be a Kanye fan. This album is 100% internet. This album is one of the 2 kanye albums without a clean version. The album's cover is based on a picture from a dude on Instagram. This album has different versions with different features. Famous was supposed to feature Chance the rapper. CHANCE THE RAPPER. CHANO APPEARING OUT OF NOWHERE RAPPING ABOUT HOW GREAT HE IS. THIS ALBUM IS SOMETHING TO TREASURE. Well, the actual album is just a bunch of hit or miss tracks with great production as Mr.West ruins the mood of the production. Let's talk about the production... Kanye has done 1% of the work that the producers he had do. WHOEVER HAD THE IDEA TO AUTOTUNE A WOLF HOWL DESERVES A RAISE. The background singers/rappers add so much to the production. Freestyle 4 has got be the most thematic beat (on the album). Father stretch my hand Pt.1 is  one of metro boomin's best beats. The life of pablo is still relevant (in a sense) because of the production, the culture it was raised around and the stuff Yeezy talks about on tracks like 30 hours, and No more parties in LA.

Overall, this album is at least something to remember for being the way it is.


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